9 Patrick Street West
Wingham, ON
N0G 2W0
Phone:(519) 357-1282
Fax:(519) 357-4509
Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses
Some silicone hydrogel lenses allow six times more oxygen to reach your eyes than ordinary contact lenses. Technology in contact lens development keeps on improving. The creation of silicone hydrogel contact lenses, however, is considered the biggest contact lens development in the last three decades. These lenses offer tremendous health and comfort benefits to new and existing contact lens wearers. One great advantage of these lenses is the fact that some can be safely worn overnight for...
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Specialty Contact Lenses
New lens designs and new materials have made contact lenses the choice for vision correction for many people who were not good candidates in the past. Soft toric lenses, which correct astigmatism, are now almost commonplace, as are daily disposable, extended wear and planned replacement lenses. The great majority of contact lens patients use some type of frequent replacement or multi-packaged lenses, making deposits on lens surfaces and other problems associated with standard daily-wear soft le...
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Whats New in Contact Lenses
Have you ever considered contact lenses but thought you were not a suitable candidate? Were you previously wearing contact lenses but gave up because of problems with them? Today s state-of-the-art contact lenses may be the answer for you! They are safer more comfortable and convenient and fit more people than ever before.
Virtually every kind of contact lens is available in a disposable or planned replacement format that makes lenses healthy affordable and simple to care for.
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